At Chase High School, we are committed to ensuring that every child has access to quality teaching and learning in all of their subjects in order that each one achieves or exceeds their potential. Just as important, however, is ensuring that each person is happy at school.
We value academic success and personal development equally and work to provide excellent opportunities for both. We are proud of the children who have left here with some of the best GCSE grades in the country, but just as proud of the personal qualities that all have developed during their time with us. These qualities have allowed them to move onto the next stage of their journeys as confident, resilient and interesting young people.
As a school, we celebrate the diversity and enthusiasm of learners, with a firm belief that hard work really does pay.
Westcliff, itself, is a vibrant seaside town just a short rail journey from both Southend and London, and very close to Southend Airport. The school is a dynamic and vibrant community with over 1,000 pupils from 44 different countries.
All Chase High School vacancies are advertised on TES Jobs (TES Jobs) and Essex School Jobs (Essex School Jobs) websites, where detailed job descriptions and person specifications can also be found. You can apply for any of these vacancies via the TES and Essex School Jobs websites.
The school and its Local School Committee are committed to safeguarding the welfare of children and young people in our care and expect staff to share this commitment. We follow safer recruitment practice and appointments are subject to satisfactory references, and enhanced DBS check and medical clearance.
Leadership Vacancies
We currently have no vacancies
Teaching Vacancies
Teacher of Science
You can apply for this vacancy by visiting the following websites:
TES website (Click here to apply via TES )
Essex School Jobs Website (Click here to apply via ESJ)
Teacher of Geography
You can apply for this vacancy by visiting the following websites:
TES website ( Click here to apply via TES)
Essex School Jobs Website (Click here to apply via ESJ)
Subject Leader History
You can apply for this vacancy by visiting the following websites:
TES website ( Click here to apply via TES)
Essex School Jobs Website (Click here to apply via ESJ)
Lead Practitioner Science
You can apply for this vacancy by visiting the following websites:
TES website (Click here to apply via TES )
Essex School Jobs Website (Click here to apply via ESJ
Support Vacancies
Office Administrator - Careers and Office
You can apply for this vacancy by visiting the following websites:
TES website ( Click here to apply via TES)
Essex School Jobs Website (Click here to apply via ESJ)
Discovery Educational Trust Vacancies
All Trust vacancies are detailed on the Trust website here.
Teacher Training
School Centred Initial Teacher Training - Essex and Thames SCITT.
Thinking of becoming a Teacher?
You may remember a truly brilliant teacher from school who made a real difference to your life.
As a teacher, you can use your knowledge and passion for your subject to help children unlock capabilities and talents that they did not even know they had. You will also develop a wide range of transferable skills for yourself in the process.
In addition to planning and teaching a range of engaging lessons, you can indulge in your hobbies and interests as part of your work by getting involved in after-school clubs, trips or sport.
To teach in England and Wales, you need to undertake Initial Teacher Training (ITT) to gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).