Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium provides additional funding on top of the main funding a school receives for its students. It is targeted at students in Years 7 to 11 who are entitled to free school meals, have been entitled to free school meals, in the previous six years, are in Local Authority Care for one day or more, were recently adopted from care, or who are the children of service personnel. It aims to ensure that these students benefit from the same opportunities as other students. The amount each student receives is £955 plus extra if students are in Local Authority Care. How the Pupil Premium is spent is monitored closely and all schools are accountable for the impact of the money spent.


Why is there a Pupil Premium?

Nationally, students who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in their school career have consistently lower educational attainment than those who have never been eligible. At Chase High School, we currently have a gap of 7.5% of students who achieve Grades 9-4 in English and Mathematics, and 0.3% of students achieving Grades 9-5 in English and Mathematics. The Pupil Premium is designed to provide money to schools in order to close this gap.


Current Profile of Pupil Premium Students at Chase High School 2023/2024

   Year 7  Year 8   Year 9   Year 10  Year 11  Total
Total Students 258 227 228 226 178 1117
No. of PP 120 95 91 98 90 494
No. of Non PP 138 132 137 128 88 560
Percentage PP 46.5 41.9 39.9 43.4 50.6 44.2

How much does Chase High School receive in Pupil Premium Funding?

For the academic year 2023/24, Chase High School received approximately £481,275.